railway technology
railway technology
In order to satisfy passengers as much as possible,
transport companies are offering more and more comfort for passengers.
To ensure this, many customers rely on our quality.
With energy and space-saving ventilation systems, we enable
comfortable air conditioning of the passenger compartments.
But we also offer suitable systems for cooling the technical infrastructure.
To be able to open and close windows or doors with ease,
our motors are used.
Our AC and EC drives are characterized by maximum performance,
dynamics and speed accuracy.

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- Ventilatoren und Antriebskonzepte für die Bahntechnik31.22 MBPreview9. February 2024BahntechnikHyBladeRadiCal
- Ventilatoren und Antriebskonzepte für die Bahntechnik31.22 MBPreview9. February 2024BahntechnikHyBladeRadiCal
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